Frontier organizations
This is a list of organizations engaged in various
things advanced and frontierish.
(This means grand-scale futurism, philosophy, personal
and social liberation, and advanced technology).
I am working hard to make it complete.
Note: I also include a few organizations here which are
strong or extremist or just interesting enough to know; please do not
consider every entry here as my endorsement.
The best organizations you may want to join
Extropy Institute - the citadel of transhumanist thought.
If you think your life may be worth extending, LEF may give you some advice on
the latest life extension research, products and therapies.
World Transhumanist Association
Transhumanist Web Alliance builds websites
related to transhumanism.
World Future Society
(Greater Boston Chapter) WFS is the largest organization of professional
futurists in the world. While not as visionary as Extropy Institute, it is
engaged in a number of interesting activities. The Boston Chapter Website
has many links of futurist interest.
- Edge Foundation - except for the Clock, has some interesting people and projects
Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Open-Tech Think tank - it doesn't exist yet, but it should...
Foresight Institute conducts research and promotes understanding
of perspectives of nanotechnology
Alcor Life Extension Foundation Cryonics is not an easy way to
immortality - but it may be the only way you have.
The American Cryonics Society
Alliance for Aging research
The Leri Institute for Much Higher Learning, founded in early 1998,
presents the results of its various studies in metaphilosophy, aesthetic
mindwarping, and of course, transtemporal experience (among other
The Alchemind society
- The international society for cognitive liberty
The Hemlock society
- You have a right for a choice in death as well as in life.
Principia Cybernetica More than you can ever learn on cybernetics and
related issues - the Website is overwhelming!
Oceania - new country in development.
The Institute for Psychohistory
New Paradigms Project - conspiracy theories
HEDG - Hyper-Economy Development Group
- Libertarian Party
- see also
Libertarian Web
Radical view of men as people worthy of respect.
Progressive Life Awareness Network
The Lucidity Institute
Do you know that lucid dreaming is a learnable skill?
Bionomics Institute - Economy as an ecosystem?
Church of Virus
a non-profit research and advocacy organization concerned with the social, political, and environmental repercussions of science
and technology.
Institute of Memetic Engineering
IETF Home Page Internet Engineering Task Force is
an anarchic union of Internet developers.
And there other organizations to explore:
Computers- and technology- related
- incubator for Internet businesses.
Intelligenesis - using AI to predict the market.
MIT and its
AI lab
World-Wide Web Consortium
Z Corporation - manufacturer of 3D printers.
Information Society Project Office of the European Commission.
Thinking Machines Corporation
Internet Society
CYC project - consensus commonsense knowledge base
MicroElectronics and Computing Consortium
Xerox PARC
Bolt, Beranek and Newman Inc.
- [Defense] Advanced Research Projects agency
Agorics, Inc. - computational economies
Research institutes and foundations
The Santa Fe Insitute
The Corporation for National Research Initiatives
NIH - National Institutes of Health.
Project Mind Foundation
Social and political organizations
Cato Institute
Progress and Freedom Foundation
- Transnational radical party
Natural Law Party
HateWatch is a non-profit organization that monitors activities of hate groups on the Internet.
United Nations
CIA The role it plays in the society is worth studying
if not supporting.
Moscow Libertarium
NRA (National Rifle Association)
Space Exploration
National Space Society
SETI League - see also SETI at Home
First Millennial Foundation
Artemis Society - building a private Lunar Base.
The most efficient agency for launching American taxpayers'
money into space.
Island One Society - Space exploration
New Civilization Network - great collectiomn of socially responsible groups and references
MENSA Your IQ should be higher than that of 98% of American population.
This requirement makes MENSA one of the easiest groups on this list to join.
Still, it has a number of interesting activities and interest groups.
Global Business Network
An interesting dual formation of a business and a think tank.
Club of Rome
- SPR - Stop Prisoner Rape
They compress more ideas into their CD-ROMs than any other
publisher - and manage to stay in business.
Society for Amateur Scientists
Information Networking Insitute
The Klingon Language Institute
Libertarian Futurist Society
- First Internet bank
Realist Wonder Society
International Society for General Semantics
The CSICOP/Skeptical Inquirer
Synergy Solutions Network
Montague Institute
Temple of Inner light - Psychedelic church.
has many links to other interesting organizations
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